Hey there, I’m Daniel. I live in Canon City CO, and work at New Horizons Thrift store.
In the past several years God has done an amazing work in my life, and I love little better then to pass on to others what God has done in me. Some of my favorite hobbies are hiking and music. But also love photography, interacting with friends, exploring God’s country and much more. So come on, let’s go HIKE!
James Yoder (HIKE 1 lead chief)
Hi, my name is James Yoder. I live in Westcliffe Colorado with wife and daughter. My dad and I work together doing residential construction. My wife and I are youth leaders at our church and we both have felt Gods call to walk alongside the young people on our lives. My goal in life is to serve God in whatever place and position he wants me to be. I seek to always be available to talk to if someone needs a listening ear. I love being a dad and I enjoy playing basketball, hunting, hiking, and I enjoy my job. I’m really excited to be a part of HIKE and I can’t wait for the things that God will teach all of us along the way.
Clayton Shenk (HIKE 2)
Hello, I’m from Brooklyn, New York where I teach High School at Followers of Jesus School. This is my first year living in the city and I’m excited to spend 11 days out on the trail away from the city. I previously worked at Bald Eagle Boys Camp as a chief and grew a lot through that experience. I enjoy playing most sports, woodworking, reading, and coffee. My time as a chief taught me a lot about how to be a caring leader and to love unconditionally. I also learned how to talk about feelings and how important that is. I’m excited to join HIKE and their vision of helping young men mature in a Godly way.
Jesse Shetler (HIKE 1)
Hi, my name is Jesse Shetler. I live just outside of Kalona, Iowa. I work at Hardy lawn furniture delivering storage sheds and poly furniture. I go to church at Lower Deer Creek Mennonite Church, where I’m involved as a sound technician. My favorite things to do are operating my own professional sound system that I use to run sound for local Christian bands, playing soccer, running, hunting, being outdoors and hanging out with friends. I also love sharing my faith with people that I meet. I’ve always enjoyed sharing God’s word with youth and helping them grow to be Godly men.
Anthony Miller (HIKE 1)
Hi! My name is Anthony Miller. I live in Penrose Colorado where I do shed interiors and other construction stuff for a living. Some of my favorite things to do are fishing, hiking, swimming and basically anything else outdoors. I also really enjoy singing and playing instruments. I’ve been on both HIKE 1 & 2 and feel it’s had a big impact on my life. I want to help pass that on to other young men. I’m looking forward to being out on the trail this year and seeing what God has for us!
Benjamin Helmuth (HIKE 2)
Hi, I’m Benjamin Helmuth from Kalona, Iowa. I am passionate about the outdoors and love playing most sports. I was on Hike in 2016 and learned a lot of good things that I am excited to teach to other young men. I also served at Bald Eagle Boys Camp for several years and during my time there learned about the importance of doing things as a group not just as an individual. I also learned how to care for others even when it is difficult, and the importance of talking through the things we are going through in our lives.